Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fun Encounter at Work

Here's a short post:

So yesterday I was working at Linz and Vail, I'm getting much more comfortable with it and I even locked up by my self!

Anyway I was working and a big group of like 8 people, like 5 kids and three adults comes in. And the mom starts ordering Gelato with an accent, and then she asks the kids in german what they want. I then proceed to respond to their order in German like it's no big deal, and everyone loves it. I asked what they were doing in Evanston, and they answered but I couldn't quite understand it. Then the Mom asked where I was from, which leads me to believe that she thought I was from Germany and was in fact a native German speaker! I'm sure if I talked to them for more than a minute they could easily tell that my German was lacking alot, but still!

This absolutely made my day, and made me feel way more confident with my German skills. Hopefully I'll find more chances to practice German before I go. If I keep up listening to German kid's TV and looking up the words I don't know I might end up learning more German this summer than all Senior year.

'till next time! :D

Monday, May 13, 2013

Countdown to Germany Begins!

Working at Linz and Vail for the summer! Coffee and Gelato, I've always wanted to learn to be a Barista!

Well this Saturday I had the first of several orientations for YFU Germany.

-btw I got rejected from University of Chicago's wait-list finally, still need to defer from Macalester though.

But back to the Orientation:
It was really great getting to meet other foreign exchange kids, and meet some students from abroad currently on exchange in the US.
Fortunately my friend Naomi showed up, I had no idea she was going to Uruguay, and it was really nice having someone else in the room that I knew.

We talked about general, non country specific, issues, like culture shock, and dealing with general issues like meeting people, dealing with school, and getting along with different structures of Host families.

I met some really nice people, and this guy Ashi who is going with CBYX (jealous), hopefully a lot of us will all meet up when we're there, but then again I don't want to be that American who only hangs out with other American Exchange students.

I'm also getting interviewed by the Evanstonian, my HS newspaper, about my gap year. Which should be fun.

School Stuff coming up: Prom!!! Final AP test (in German), and two awards for Environmental Science and Calculus.

Overall, I'm getting "excited to be terrified" about the whole thing, I definitely need to spend some time studying German and watching some German TV shows over the summer to help prep my listening.

Right now? Coming down from a contact Caffeine high from work and reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Bis Später!!