Saturday, April 20, 2013

YFU -Germany!

I'm happy to announce that I've been accepted to study abroad in Germany for a year as part of a YFU (youth for understanding) gap year program! There was almost a cancellation due to a possible age restriction, but it was worked out, that's why there's been such a lag in posts. I've also decided to accept to Macalester College and defer, so class of 2018! It's such a good feeling to know what you'll be doing for the next five years. This blog is meant to be mostly about my gap year stuff.
Here's what I know so far about my gap year:
  • I'll be in Germany....  idk where yet or who my host family will be.
  • I'll leave mid August-ish and get back summer 2014 sometime.
  • I'll be going to a Gymnasium most likely, that's a higher level public high school which has a weekly schedule like a university. Idk what grade though, some schools have a 13th grade, but I'll probably be in a lower grade because I will be focusing more on language comprehension than on keeping up with school-work. I also would want to do an Abitur, which is sort-of an apprenticeship thing, not really sure.
  • That's it.
I'm incredibly excited to go on this adventure, I will definitely be blogging about the food, stuff i'm doing, places i'm visiting, the people I meet, and what It's like living here, and of course the fun/weird and subtle stuff I notice.

yfuusa_1365196742.jpg (2965×2838)Macalester-color.jpg (2243×1112)

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